Month: November 2012

Thank You!


Thanks so much to those of you who took me up on Fridays fundraiser for the Red Cross donation and helped spread the word!  With your support I sold $197 in patterns on Friday! I will be rounding that up to $200, and with my family’s matched donation will be donating $400 through Jet Blue who is also matching donations.  My wonderful Grandma also liked the idea and donated $200 through her church for Hurricane Sandy relief.  That is a total of $1000 to the Red Cross, wow!!

Wanted to give a shout out to all of those who participated: Sally, Amy, Paulette, Suzanne, Joy, Sheena, Deborah, Laurie, Olivia, Lindsay, Elida, Melissa, Beate, Jenn, Patricia, Cathy, Sandra, Kelly, Lisa, Michelle, Breeanna, Dawn, Helen, Barbara, Lea, Nancy, Cindy, and Wendy, you guys rock!!

Buy a Pattern, Help Those in Need


Hey Guys!  I’m happy to tell you that I have survived Hurricane Sandy – I holed myself in my apartment knitting through the whole thing, and am so very fortunate to live in a neighborhood in Manhattan that was not subject to power loss or flooding.  Millions of others in Sandy’s path were not as fortunate though.  Without going into sad details, many have lost their entire homes and possessions, are stranded in areas without resources, and are in desperate need of the basics such as food, water, clothing, and shelter.

Today I will be donating 100% of Girly Knits pattern proceeds to the Red Cross, who provide these basic needs to people when disaster strikes.  If you buy a pattern today (available on Ravelry and Craftsy), not only will you get a fun new knitting pattern, but you will be helping those in need.  Alternatively, if you would like to make your own individual Red Cross donation which you can do here, please forward a receipt of the donation to me at and I will give you a coupon code via Ravelry for one free Girly Knits pattern of your choice.   I hope together we can make a difference!

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