Thank You!

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Thanks so much to those of you who took me up on Fridays fundraiser for the Red Cross donation and helped spread the word!  With your support I sold $197 in patterns on Friday! I will be rounding that up to $200, and with my family’s matched donation will be donating $400 through Jet Blue who is also matching donations.  My wonderful Grandma also liked the idea and donated $200 through her church for Hurricane Sandy relief.  That is a total of $1000 to the Red Cross, wow!!

Wanted to give a shout out to all of those who participated: Sally, Amy, Paulette, Suzanne, Joy, Sheena, Deborah, Laurie, Olivia, Lindsay, Elida, Melissa, Beate, Jenn, Patricia, Cathy, Sandra, Kelly, Lisa, Michelle, Breeanna, Dawn, Helen, Barbara, Lea, Nancy, Cindy, and Wendy, you guys rock!!

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